Prayer and Fasting Calendar
As we enter this New Year, we know the Lord has great things in store for us all. The Lord’s hand of blessing has been on us throughout 2020. GCF Hays has seen, for example, salvations, lives transformed for Christ, and new families.
We are a church that prays. We believe in the power of prayer. Indeed, our Lord has been faithful and responsive to our annual time of church-wide prayer and fasting. Lives have been transformed. Miracles have occurred. The church has grown spiritually and physically. This year will be no exception.
Once again this year, we ask you to sign up for at least one day or one meal. Please do so on the 40-Days Praying-and-Fasting board hanging in the back of the church. If you have done one day in the past, then perhaps the Lord wants you to do more than just one day of fasting. Perhaps, you might consider fasting for three days, seven days, twenty-one days, or maybe the whole forty days.  Regardless of how long you fast, your commitment to fast and pray will make a demonstrable difference in GCF Hays and in lives impacted by our church.
Our prayer subjects for this year include:
1. Church Leadership
a. Pastors, Elders, Ministry Heads, and Life Group leaders.
b. Grace Ministries International (GMI) churches and their leaders.
2. Church Ministries and The Lodge
a. Life Groups, Youth, Kingdom Kids, Worship, Discipleship Ministry, First Impressions Ministries (FIM), and more.
b. The events that occur at The Lodge are part of our church’s ministry because they help fund other ministries.
3. Impact on our community
a. Neighborhoods and schools in Hays County.
b. Opportunities to show Jesus at work in our lives with our unchurched friends, neighbors, and co-workers. Invite them to Sunday morning services, Life Group, or a church event.
Take time each day to pray based on the prayer subjects listed above. To help you with that, we have provided a Prayer Calendar with specific people and/or ministries for you to pray for each day of the 40 days of praying and fasting.   In Ezra 8:23, it says, “So we fasted and petitioned our God about this, and he answered our prayer.” We know God hears our prayers and will answer us as we seek Him.   Praying and fasting with you to see the Lord’s Kingdom come on earth as it is in Heaven!
Pastor Josh