The youth ministry of GCF Hays is designed to propel our youth into action, and to give them a bigger vision for their lives. We look to not only stir up passion for Christ, but show them they are meant, called, and equipped to do the mission that God has called them to. We believe that every youth that enters our doors will leave knowing they are a strong Christian and see God move throughout all areas of influence.
We offer times of fun-filled games and fellowship, worship, and biblical teachings. Outside of our weekly meetings we offer community projects, special intensives and seminars designed to equip youth with current issues they face today, and also mission trips (both domestic and international).

Stephan Vetta
Stephan is also an elder at Grace. He and his wife, Jutta, were born and raised in Austria. Their family to Texas and joined Grace in 2015. Stephan has a passion for teaching, training, and challenging people, so they can become everything God called them to be.
Stephan, Jutta, and their four delightful homeschooled children reside in Kyle, TX. If you are ever in the area, stop by the house to say hello but make sure to be willing to try European food, play board games, and watch out for the German Shepherds.

Lauren Graves
She and Dan have been married for 18 years. Lauren homeschools their three teenagers and teaches other students as well. Lauren recognizes that "youth ministry" begins at home, but the importance of teens being involved in youth ministry, such as that at GCF, is valuable and essential.
When she is not teaching, she may be traveling and exploring God's world. You may find Lauren hanging out in the area with her family, at home, playing games, or sitting with a cup of tea in hand as she spends time with friends.

Patrick & Caleigh Jones
Patrick (but everyone calls him Pat) and Caleigh met at church lifegroup in the fall of 2016, both their freshmen year at Texas A&M University. Caleigh was majoring in Agriculture Economics with a minor in New Media Art and Pat was a Construction Science major. He also joined the Corps of Cadets in 2017, enlisted with the Texas National Guard, then later commissioned as an officer. Both were involved at their church throughout college, leading lifegroup and volunteering with children's ministries.
Being friends throughout college, they got to know each other and in the beginning of 2020 decided to give dating a shot. They were engaged 6 months later when they’d both graduated then married 3 months later.
After several moves, job changes, Army duties and simply enjoying young married life, they moved to Kyle in 2022. Once they found GCF Hays, they quickly got plugged in and have enjoyed serving with the community ever since. Currently, Pat is a Project Manager for a commercial construction company in Austin while Caleigh is a real estate agent and soon-to-be stay-at-home mom. They’re expecting their first daughter at the beginning of September ‘23 and are excited for their new chapter of life that involves lots of kids!

Ashely Ramsey
Ashley started attending GCF Hays in 2021 while attending Texas State University. She previously went to the GCF Brenham location started by in 2018 and knew that Hays had the same heart. So she went as soon as she was able to drive from campus.
She loves to guide youth to know their value to the Father and that they can find that love in the brothers and sisters around them. She has a passion for young people of all ages and wants to see their lives transformed.
She graduated in 2023 with a Bachelor's degree and is now teaching 3rd grade at Valor Kyle. She loves to fellowship, get coffee, watch movies, and compete in anything: board games, field games, and just about everything with a score.
Highlights from our most recent “Momentum” GMI summer camp.